Monday, November 25, 2019

Free Essays on Psychopathic Serial Killers

Psychopathic Serial Killers Theodore R. Bundy He confessed to the brutal murders of 28 women, all of them young and good-looking. All were white, thin, single, wearing slacks at the time of disappearance, had hair that was long and parted in the middle and they all disappeared in the evening. He prowled for them in college campuses, sororities or state parks. He strangled them or broke their skulls with a crowbar, raped and sodomized them, sometimes with objects. A handsome and athletic man, he was very attractive and convincing for his victims. He was an honors student of psychology at the Washington University and was in love with nice women twice before becoming a psychopath. After being arrested and sentenced to prison due to the accusations of one of his victims who was able to escape his attack, he ran from prison twice and continued his killing spree, before being caught, sentenced to death and executed in the electric chair, in 1984. His total tally was probably more than 36. Jeffrey Dahmers The Milwaukee Cannibal A handsome and well-educated man, he was one of the worst serial killers in the history of the USA. A homosexual, he tortured and killed young boys, made sex with their bodies, dismembered them and collected several parts. He also cannibalized several of them. Twenty-one victims were his probable tallies. Declared insane, he was committed to several consecutive sentences of life imprisonment, but was killed shortly afterwards in the prison by two inmates. Albert Fish One of the most ghoulish and perverse of all serial killers of history, Fish was a frail-looking old man when he was arrested. He had a terrifying story to tell. A sado-masochist who had a bizarre behavior of self-flagellation and sticking needles in his body, as well as religious delusions, he declared: "I always had a desire to inflict pain on others and to have others inflict pain on me. I always seemed to enjoy everything that hurt.... Free Essays on Psychopathic Serial Killers Free Essays on Psychopathic Serial Killers Psychopathic Serial Killers Theodore R. Bundy He confessed to the brutal murders of 28 women, all of them young and good-looking. All were white, thin, single, wearing slacks at the time of disappearance, had hair that was long and parted in the middle and they all disappeared in the evening. He prowled for them in college campuses, sororities or state parks. He strangled them or broke their skulls with a crowbar, raped and sodomized them, sometimes with objects. A handsome and athletic man, he was very attractive and convincing for his victims. He was an honors student of psychology at the Washington University and was in love with nice women twice before becoming a psychopath. After being arrested and sentenced to prison due to the accusations of one of his victims who was able to escape his attack, he ran from prison twice and continued his killing spree, before being caught, sentenced to death and executed in the electric chair, in 1984. His total tally was probably more than 36. Jeffrey Dahmers The Milwaukee Cannibal A handsome and well-educated man, he was one of the worst serial killers in the history of the USA. A homosexual, he tortured and killed young boys, made sex with their bodies, dismembered them and collected several parts. He also cannibalized several of them. Twenty-one victims were his probable tallies. Declared insane, he was committed to several consecutive sentences of life imprisonment, but was killed shortly afterwards in the prison by two inmates. Albert Fish One of the most ghoulish and perverse of all serial killers of history, Fish was a frail-looking old man when he was arrested. He had a terrifying story to tell. A sado-masochist who had a bizarre behavior of self-flagellation and sticking needles in his body, as well as religious delusions, he declared: "I always had a desire to inflict pain on others and to have others inflict pain on me. I always seemed to enjoy everything that hurt....

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