Friday, January 24, 2020

Analysis of Mores The Prince and Utopia Essay -- essays research pape

i. Introduction Sir Thomas More was born in London to Agnes and John More a lawyer in 1477. Tomas after being a page in the Morton Household was sent to Oxford University and became a successful lawyer. After becoming an MP for the Under-Sheriff of London he started writing the book Utopia and finishing it 1516. After writing the book he was appointed as the privy councilor to King Henry VIII in 1518. He was latter executed in 1535 for refusing King Henry VIII to be the head of the church. Utopia is a fictional book about Mores talk with Raphael Nonsenso and his travels to Utopia. Niccolo Machiavelli was born in Florence, Italy in 1469 to a middleclass family. The time in which Machiavelli lived Italy as a country was not united but divide and split into little providences and republics. He latter became responsible for the Florentine militia against the Medici government and rule. When the Medici power reclaimed Florence Machiavelli was arrested for conspiracy he was tortured and then banished from Florence. During his banishment he wrote the book The Prince in 1513 which is dedicated to the new prince of Florence Lorenzo De Medici. The book was a discourse to the prince on how to run a country and also a way Machiavelli can get a job working in politics again. ii. Towns & Local Governments The local towns and governments in Utopia are split up into 54 separate large towns all equally alike in language, laws, customs, education and is no more than 26 miles apart from the next town. Each town in Utopia has about 30 houses that hold about 40 people each and 2 slave per house. Each house sends 20 members out to country for farming every 2 years the first year is spent training and the... ... instruction manual to run a kingdom and at the same time it?s a resume for a job. The reason in which Machiavelli is writing this is to re-enter a political life and political job for the prince. vii. Thesis Sir Thomas Mores Utopia and Niccolo Machiavelli?s The Prince both concern themselves with the basic issues of how a society works and maintains itself. Utopia?s aim is to show and portray of a perfect government and society. The Prince is telling how to run a country successfully and not to be hated or demised in the end. Both of these books deal with the central message of governments and how they should be run from different view and from two very different men. The one issues that they both did agree on is the issue on communism where both said no to the issues both agreeing in the same fact that communism is a government for the lazy.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

Sociology 101 Study Guide Exam 4

Deviance 1) defining deviance is difficult and subjective (sociologists don’t agree). 2) for our purpose deviance must A) violate significant norms. B) Result in negative evaluation for reaction. 1) Conflict theory. – stress that the power elite uses the legal system to control worker and to stabilize the social order, all with the goal of keeping itself in power. The poor pose a threat, for if they rebel as a group they can dislodge members of the power elite from their place of privilege. To prevent this, the power elite makes certain that heavy penalties come down on those who’s crimes could upset the social order. 2) Functional theory- Argue that crime is a natural part of society. Stress that the sociall classes differ in opportunities for income and education, so they differ in opportunities for crime. As a result, street crime is higher among the lower social classes and white-collar crime is higher among the higher social classes. The growing crime rates of women illustrate how changing gender roles have given women more access to what sociologist call â€Å"illegitimate opportunities. † 3) Social foundations- Labeling Theory-questions who applies what label to whom, why they do this, and what happens as a result of this labeling.The significance of reputations, how they help set us on paths that propel us into deviance or that diver us away from it. Anomie Theory-concept developed by Emile Durkheim to describe an absence of clear societal norms and values. In the concept of anomie individuals lack a sense of social regulation: people feel unguided in the choices they have to make.Differential Association-a theory developed by Edwin Sutherland proposing that through interaction with others, individuals learn the values, attitudes, techniques, and motives for criminal behavior (how people learn to become criminals).Crime 1). Elements – 2). Categories- Mental illness 1) Dr. Thomas Szasz – mental illness are neither mental nor illness. They are simply problem behaviors.2) Rosenhahn study-A study done proving â€Å"it is clear that we cannot distinguish th e sane from the insane in psychiatric labels might be a solution and recommended education to make psychiatric workers more aware of the social psychology of their facilities. In this study 8 â€Å"mentally healthy† people took hallucinations attempting to gain admission to 12 different psychiatric hospitals in five different states. All were admitted and diagnosed with psychiatric disorders.After admission they acted normal again and told staff they felt fine, all were forced to admit to having t a mental illness and agree to take antipsychotic drugs as a condition of their release. All but one was diagnosed with schizophrenia. The second part of his study involved an offended hospital challenging Rosenhan to send pseudopatients to its facility, which its staff would then detect. Rosenhan agreed and in the following weeks out of 193 new patients the staff identified 41 as potential pseudopatients, with 19 of these receiving suspicion from at least 1 psychiatrist and 1 other staff member.In fact Rosenhan had sent no one to the hospital Substance Abuse1) Types of drug use-2) Social policy-3) Conflict view-Individuals and groups in society struggle to maximize their share of the limited resources that exist and are desired by humans. Given that there are limited resources, the struggle inevitably leads to conflict and competition. These struggles can lead to changes in institutions and societies as different groups come into power. Social control- The techniques and strategies for preventing deviant human behavior in any society.1) Formal- Expressed though law as statues, rules and regulations against deviant behavior. Usually carried out by those in a position of power and/or authority such as a police officer, judge, or principal of a school.2) Informal- Denominates customs, traditions, norms and other social values inherited by the individual. Informal sanctions may include ridicule, sarcasm, criticism and disapproval. In extreme cases sanctions may in clude social discrimination and exclusion. Prejudice- An attitude or prejudging, usually in a negative way.Discrimination1) Individual- Treatment or consideration of, or making a distinction in favor of or against, a person based on the race, class, group, or category to which that person or thing belongs rather than on the individual.2) Institutional- The unfair, indirect treatment of an individual embedding in the operating procedures, policies, laws, or objectives of large organizations. Can occur without conscious cause, is often subtle and nearly invisible, reinforced by the interrelationship of social institutions.Example- jobs not hiring people under the height of 5’4† which eliminates most Mexicans and women, or in other countries women aren’t allowed to participate in some religious activities or government. Post-Industrial Society- Society based on information, services, and high technology, rather than on raw materials and manufacturing.Economic System s1) Capitalism-An economic system characterized by the private ownership of the means of production, the pursuit of profit, and market competition.2) Socialism-An economic system characterized b the public ownership of the means of production, central planning, and the distribution o goods without a profit motive. Genocide- The attempt to destroy a group of people because of their presumed race or ethnicity (ethnic cleansing). Minority-People who are singled out for unequal treatment and who regard themselves as objects of collective discrimination. Plessey vs Ferguson- Decision by the US Supreme Court that confirmed the principle of â€Å"separate but equal† and minority segregation.Brown vs Board of Education-This case took on segregation within school systems, or the separation of white and black students within public schools. Up until this case, many stats had laws establishing separate schools for white students and another for blacks. This landmark case made those laws unconstitutional. This case set the foundations for the civil rights movement. Exploitation Theory- occurs when one social group is able to take for itself what is produced by another group.The concept is central to the idea of social oppression, especially from a Marxist perspective, and can also include noneconomic forms, such as he sexual exploitation of women by men under patriarchy. Amalgamation-(melting pot) all groups should combine their traditions calues and characteristics with one another to create a new group. Assimilation-The loss of a subaltern group’s native language and culture under pressure to assimilate to those of a dominant cultural group.Contact Hypothesis-This is the principle that brings people together who are in conflict (or where one is bullying the other), the conflict will subside as they get to understand one another.Power1) Authority-Power that people consider legitimate, as rightly exercised over them; also called legitimate power.2) Tradition al-Those who exercise authority do so because they continue a tradition and support the preservation and continuation of existing values and social ties. For example Queen is Head of States in Britain, a position she inherited on the basis of traditional rules of succession for the monarchy.3) Rational Legal- Those in authority give orders (and expect to be obeyed) because the office they fill gives them the right to give orders. Anyone who fills the same position has the right to issue orders. Orders are only to be obeyed if they are relevant to the situation in which they are given. Example, a teacher orders â€Å"complete your homework by Thursday† the order is expected to be obeyed, but if the same teacher asked the student to go get her milk from the store, they wouldn’t be expected to obey.4) Charismatic-People obey because of the personal qualities of the person doing the telling. Well-known charismatic figures include Jesus Christ, Hitler, and Chairman Mao. How ever, charismatic figures may arise in any social grouping and such people assume positions of authority over others on the basis of personal qualities of leadership b other group members.5) Coercive-People forced to do as they are told under threat of punishment. For example a prison or a school classroom.6) Renumerative-Power rest on the material means provided by money or some other reward which the members desire and the organization controls. Government-Political authority; a group of people who have the power to make and enforce laws for a country or area.1) Monarchy-A state or nation in which the supreme power is actually or nominally lodged in monarch. The head of state is often for life or until abdication.2) Democracy-Have the consent of the people. The officials xercising power have legitimate authority because they have been elected, and the mechanism for changing the government is through peaceful and regular elections.3) Oligarchy-Political power effectively rest with a small, elitre segment of society. Greek for â€Å" few rule†4) Totalitarianism-The state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private behavior.5) Dictatorship-A government headed by a dictator or more generally any authoritarian or totalitarian government. Power Elite-C. Wright Mill’s term for the top people in U. S. corporations, military, and political who make the nation’s major decisions. Types of Work-

Wednesday, January 8, 2020

FAFSA Documents Youll Need to Fill Out the Form

For students entering college in the fall of 2016 or later, you can fill out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) as early as October 1st. Applying early can improve your chances of getting scholarships and grant aid, for many schools use up their financial aid resources later in the admissions cycle. Filling out the FAFSA can be a frustrating process if you havent gathered together the information youll need. The department of education claims that the FAFSA forms can be completed in less than an hour. This is true only if you have all of the necessary documents at hand. To make this process as straightforward and efficient as possible, parents and students can do a little advanced planning. Heres what youll need: The first thing youll need before you can even begin filling out the FAFSA is a Federal Student Aid ID (you can get that here, and you can do it before the FAFSA is available). This username and password will give you access to your federal financial aid information throughout college and beyond.Your most recent federal income tax return. Note that as of 2016, you can use prior prior year tax forms. In other words, if youre applying for admission for the fall of 2017, you dont need to wait until you file your 2016 taxes, and you no longer need to estimate your current taxes. Instead, you can use your tax return from 2015.Your parents most recent income tax return if you are a dependent.  Most traditional aged college applicants are still dependents (learn more about dependent vs independent status). For both students and parents, you can greatly speed up the transfer of your tax return information using FAFSAs IRS Data Retrieval Tool. You can learn more about the tool here.Your cur rent bank statements including both checking and savings account balances. Youll also need to report any significant cash holdings.Your current investment records (if any) including real estate you own other than the house in which you live. Any stocks and bonds you own would go in this category.Records of any untaxed income you may have received. According to the FAFSA website, this can include child support received, interest income, non-education benefits for veterans.Your Drivers License (if you have one)Your Social Security NumberIf you are not a U.S. citizen: your alien registration or permanent resident cardFinally, its useful but not necessary to have a list of all the colleges to which you are likely to apply. FAFSA will automatically send financial aid information to up to 10 schools (and you can add more schools later). If you end up not applying to a school you list on the FAFSA, no harm done. You are not committing yourself to applying to the schools you list. FinAid.or g has a useful tool for finding the institutional codes youll need to use on the FAFSA: Title IV Institutional Codes. If you have all of the above information gathered before you sit down to fill out the FAFSA, youll find the process isnt that painful. Its also a remarkably important process--nearly all financial aid awards begin with the FAFSA. Even if you arent sure that youll qualify for any need-based financial aid, its worth submitting the FAFSA for some merit awards will also require the information. Third-party scholarships are one of the few exceptions to the importance of the FAFSA. Since these are awarded by private foundations, companies, and organizations, they rarely have any connection to your federal eligibility requirements. Here at, we maintain lists of some of these scholarship opportunities that weve organized by the month of the application deadline:   College Scholarships by Deadline Month:  January | February | March | April | May | June | July | August | September | October | November | December