Monday, September 30, 2019

Nostradamus and his Quatrains

Michel Nostradamus was a 16th century French physician and astrologer who had the figure of a prophet as perceived by his disciples. However, Nostradamus’ predictions were usually muddled and obscure before so-called predicted event but crystal-clear after the event had occurred. He wrote four-line verses that were particularly meaningless until an event had occurred; hence, the verse of prediction was considered as â€Å"shoehorned† into a prophecy, which can be sometimes classified as retroprophecy of his quatrains or four verses predictions. Hence, within this study, the discussion aims to link the concepts of quatrains with Nostradamus’ predictions. Michel de Nostredame, born in December 14, 1503 and died in July 2, 1566, had been considered as one of the mythical seers of prophetic fields. Nostradamus had been his popular name throughout ages, and with this, the subject of prophecies links with his name. The French so-called â€Å"prophet† by his disciples was significantly known for his poetic quatrains that depict some sort of indirect and unclear predictions. However, the magic of his statement only occurs right after its occurrence. Most of his prophecies revolved in world state issues but try to conceal their meanings with the literary way in Nostradamus writings. Discussion Overview on the Concept of Quatrains From the historical perspective, Nostradamus’ quatrains had been published in 1555, which he entitled Centuries. His book contained his visions and all his predictions about the future of the world. Nostradamus was able to conceptualize 10 chapters of the book with 100 quatrains present each except for chapter 7, which only contained 42 quatrains. In addition, the quatrains of Nostradamus did not indicate any signs of time or date; hence, the actual interpretations of these predictions became vague and somehow literary severed. The quatrains in his book had this jumbled characters and the arrangements of its meaning took a long time before being organized. Most evidently, Nostradamus used the literary poetic style of four-lines in a verse or known as Quatrains. The most evident characteristic of his statements was the absolute use of figure of speech that made it hard for the reader to interpret the predictions initially; however, these statements somehow magically revealed their meaning right after the event had passed. The quatrains of Nostradamus, according to the book of Cannon (1992), contained obscure and foreign words wherein beneath possessed severely unexplainable interpretations (4). Although some can be interpreted, most of Nostradamus quatrains had used the vague identities of the statements in order to conceal their true meaning for a while. Cannon (1992) added that most of Nostradamus’ statements had not been interpreted in satisfactory manner so far (4). Nostradamus’ quatrains were so vague that they could have applied to many possible events, or symbolisms that could be convoluted with many possible interpretations. Nostradamus was able to cleverly disguise the meaning behind his quatrains in order to confuse those attempting to interpret the prophecies before their fulfillment. As supported by Oliver (2004), Nostradamus’ quatrains were hand-written in Old French, which could be very difficult to translate (11). Through these clever literary disguises, Nostradamus was able to veil the predictions prior to its occurrence; hence, saving the world from preparing prior to tragic events or future world disasters. Out of more than 900 prophecies of Nostradamus, none of them comprised of date, which further complicated the interpretations of these quatrains. However, despite of the vague identities and thoughts of Nostradamus’ quatrains, he had used some patterns that could be used as guides in understanding his quatrains. Although, most of the modern observers and readers did not considered the applications of Nostradamus’ predictions towards the globally occurring events.   As for the explorers of Nostradamus’ predictions, they had considered the quatrains of Nostradamus’ as predictions of the future; however, from the term itself, a prediction should fist be relayed and interpreted prior to the occurrence of the events. With the proposed argument of Diamond (2004), after the President Kennedy was shot, everyone jumped on the Nostradamus quatrain bandwagon and said that through his quatrain, he had clearly predicted the Kennedy shooting. However, this is not predicting since predicting means successfully calling a circumstance prior to its occurrence rather than using post-hoc reasoning to explain something (161). From his supporting statement, the predictions of Nostradamus and the vagueness of his quatrains had somehow initiated the concept of retroprophecy or the revealing of truth to his prophecy only after its occurrence. Despite of diverse critics on Nostradamus’ quatrains and predictions it conceived, some of these were extraordinarily and undeniably accurate. According to Goldberg (1999), the style of predictions made by Nostradamus may or may not be intentionally being veiled for future assumptions of interpreters (218). The retrograde characteristics of Nostradamus’ prophecy cannot be entirely considered as due to his intention of hiding it to the readers, since he had conceptualized this during his time and possibly without the knowledge of the changing French language. However, arguments would rise from this reason, since Nostradamus did not only use Old French language to veil his prophecy but also his figurative way of expressing his predictions. Arguments on whether or not to consider the validity of Nostradamus’ predictions aroused because of the retrograde characteristics of his predictions. On the other hand, the mystery of these quatrains was more understood in relation with American society and, as against to the early translations, the European society. As the twentieth century entered in, some of the predictions of Nostradamus regained its clarity and application not with the European society, but most often to the United States (e.g. September 11, 2001 bombing, etc.). As supported by McClaine (2000), Nostradamus had mentioned the birth of different personages who were born after his death and the rise of nations that were unknown or unthinkably despicably in his day (20). Nostradamus’ predictions may even faced this character of revealing itself right after the scenario occurred; however, his quatrains had somehow considerably predicted most of the events occurring within the global context, most especially with the American society; hence, the quatrains of Nostradamus did provide significant means of hiding its meaning and further exposing it right after fulfillment. Nostradamus and his Predictions Many of Nostradamus’ readers had long attempted to translate the prophecies in his statements. Unfortunately, even the original translations were not as accurate as it seems, and so far, no significant changes in the translations had been made. Adding into the complexities of Nostradamus’ quatrains, the Old French meanings had been modified by time for the last 400 years; hence, most of the words can no longer be applied to the translations of modern French.   Two points were common to his predictions, which were the presence of allegory and deep literary disguise. According to Ned (1999), the predictions of Nostradamus utilized codes, patterns and oracles that had been camouflaged in references to the past and molded in to rhyme of verses (8). Nostradamus simply wrote down the prophesies that arrived to his thinking; however, he was able to document it properly without further giving patterns via place, time, or events. From the complex meaning and diverse possible interpretations from Nostradamus’ predictions, it should have been easier if Nostradamus’ indicated the dates of his predictions; however, as supported by Halley (1999), Nostradamus himself did not consider placing it for good reasons (8). Overall, the vocabularies that Nostradamus used within his predictions were approximately 8,000 words; however, some of these, despite of similar means, were used in differently in a poetical form. As supported by Thurston (2004), some of the predictions in his quatrains seem unarguable accurate, and particularly fulfilled in his own society and time (39). However, only few of Nostradamus quatrains would possess significant linkage to historical events. The sense of ambiguity and enigma still governed the multiplicity of meanings in his predicting quatrains. Some of the skeptics would consider the predictions of Nostradamus by either problematic or significantly true. In the sense of being problematic, Thurston (2004) argued that some of the articles in Nostradamus’ predictions were impossible to have been conceptualized or even grasped (e.g. aircraft vessels, guns, sky-scrape buildings, etc.) four hundred years before its actual occurrence (39). On the other hand, the same reason could be applied to justify Nostradamus’ realistic predictions since there were no possible means to grasp these ideas except for truthfully seeing them through predictions (Desrosiers 46). For the sake of interpretations, some critiques in this study would defend the presence of pattern in Nostradamus’ predictions; however, Welch (2000), argued that Nostradamus’ punctuations were wildly erratic, apparently following no particular rule or pattern (7). There were no patterns employed in any of Nostradamus predictions in order to facilitate the revealing of his quatrains message only after the occurrence of the incident. In some perspective, Popkin (1992) provided the statement that even Nostradamus claimed that his capacity to predict came as a divine providence from God, which allowed him to predict the coming future (182). According to his argument, Nostradamus had to ensure that the revelations of his quatrains will only occur after the events had already pass in order to avoid the change of predictions and the future. If human civilization can to obtain control over these predictions, the chances of its failed occurrence will be likely since humans will eventually prepare prior to the event’s occurrence (Frank 204). Somehow, Nostradamus had to ensure the retrograde character of his quatrains in order to protect predictions stored with it, and further prevent warnings from ever arriving to human thinking. An Analysis to Nostradamus Four-Line Verses The disguises of Nostradamus’ quatrains involved various confusing parts because of some sort of punch lines that he had incorporated, which, if interpreted correctly, could provide a new picture of interpretation. In one example, Nostradamus’ Quatrain 87 from Chapter 1 says (cited in Oliver 12): Great symbols on fire in the center of the mainland Will cause trembling in the towers of New York City Two great skyscrapers will be continuously attacked, This is when Arethuse turn-around to a new course. This has been one of the famous quatrains from Nostradamus’ prediction, which gained its popularity during the bombing of 1993. Civilians and believers of Nostradamus’ predictions had thought that this was the fulfillment of his statements; however, things went clearer during the September 11, 2001 attack in the World Trade Center twin towers. According to Oliver (2004), quatrain 87 refers to the World Trade Center as the French Old English suggest, â€Å"Enno-sigee†, which connoted enno as great one and sigee as standing silent; hence, depicting the great ensigns of the New York skyline (12). After the event had occurred, the statements from media repeatedly reported the downfall or incident of the symbols of American capitalism or in translation, the great ensigns or symbolisms (Ward 117). Lastly, the Arethuse in the last statements of Nostradamus’ prophecy did not actually appeared in the modern context of French language, but rather considered to be the Old French language. From etymological analysis, Arethus could be translated to Aerthuse and if interpreted right, â€Å"Are† should mean air, while â€Å"thuse† should mean tubes. If these words were translated, it could somehow mean â€Å"air-tubes† or â€Å"air-vessels†, which if interpreted with the statements, â€Å"this is when Arethuse turn-around to a new course†, could mean the aircraft that changed its course to hit the twin towers during the September 11, 2001 disaster  Ã‚   (Oliver 12-13). Hence, as for the thesis of this study and with this statement analysis, the predictions of Nostradamus could be composed of vague and unclear statements; however, upon the fulfillment of events, these prophecies revealed their meaning to the readers with correct interpretations. This was only one of the many prophecies of Nostradamus that provided a significant character of being â€Å"retroprophecy† or revealing of predictions after its fulfillment. Ironically, Nostradamus distributed his Centuries of 1955 in order for men to possess basis that these significant global events were destined and already plotted, but clearly not to warn or save humanity from the impending disasters and conflicts that future had in store for human civilization. Conclusion In response to the thesis of the study, Nostradamus had indeed utilized a retrograde feature for his quatrains or four-line verses in order to hide the predictions from humans preventing them to possess warnings and prepare for the upcoming future. Evidently, Nostradamus purposively disguised and used Old French in order to conceal the meanings, provide multiple interpretations, and hide the actual predictions of his quatrains. However, after the fulfillment of the given statement had been fulfilled, the events were being revealed to human minds. Scholars had suggested possible patterns in his quatrains that may hold access to deciphering his predictions; however, so far, little portions of success had been made due to the complexities his quatrains. Works Cited Cannon, Dolores. Conversations with Nostradamus: His Prophecies Explained. Ozark Mountain Publishing, 1992. Desrosiers, Gilbert. An Introduction to Revelation: A Pathway to Interpretation. Continuum International Publishing Group, 2000. Diamond, Leonard. Alien Conscious: Sixty Years of Abduction Experiences. Gate Way Publishers, 2004. Frank, Joseph. The Atlantis Encyclopedia. Career Press, 2005. Goldberg, Bruce. Astral Voyages: Mastering the Art of Soul Travel. Llewellyn Worldwide, 1999. Halley, Ned. Complete Prophecies of Nostradamus. Wordsworth Editions, 1999. McClaine, Lee. Across Centuries: Nostradamus, Apocalypse, Destiny and the Great Millennium. Universal Publishers, 2000. Oliver, Edward. Trail Of Prophecy. Virtualbookworm Publisher, 2004. Popkin, Richard. The Third Force in Seventeenth-century Thought. BRILL, 1992. Thurston, Mark. Edgar Cayce's Predictions for the 21st Century. Star Enterprises International Inc., 2004. Ward, Charles A. Oracles of Nostradamus. NuVision Publications, 2007. Welch, R W. Comet of Nostradamus: August 2004-Impact!. Llewellyn Worldwide, 2000.   

12 Angry Men: Jury’s Conflict Involved on Verdict Essay

Any jury trial is bound to have some sort of conflict involved when coming to a verdict. The portrayal of a murder case in the movie, 12 Angry Men, involves many different examples of conflict, as well as the approaches to conflict used by different characters. Almost every conversation in the film involves conflict, since the characters are all debating whether or not the boy being tried for murder is guilty or not, but there are a few scenes in which different types of conflict and different approaches to conflict seem to stand out. The room in which the men are sitting and debating the case has a table with each of the men sitting around it. Jury member number one, who sits at the head of the table, takes on the role as the leader of the discussion by formatting how the voting goes and asking all members whether they agree to any decisions made. In one scene, the older man with the summer cold comes over to jury member number one and tells, â€Å"stop being a kid. K. I. D. Kid.† Jury member number one responds, â€Å"Just because I am trying to keep this thing organized? Here, you take the responsibility. I’ll just keep my mouth shut, that’s all.† This scene is an example of Ego/Identity conflict because of the beliefs that the man with the cold see’s jury member number one as being a kid because he is younger than him. Jury member number one seemed to take the responsibility of leading the group just because of his number, but the man with the cold seemed to get upset and cre ate a conflict with him because of his age. See more:  Social Satire in The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Essay The different types of characters in the jury decision create many different examples of approaches to conflict. Jury member number two, the quiet man with the glasses, becomes the target of many of the other characters. When the men are all going around and explaining their reasons for why they feel the boy is guilty, Jury member number three interrupts and says, â€Å"what about the switch-knife found in the man’s chest?† Jury member number two says, â€Å"Wait a second, there are some people who haven’t talked yet, shouldn’t we go in order?† Jury member number three says, â€Å"forget about the people who haven’t gone yet, be quiet will ya?† This causes jury member number two to quiet down and not respond. This approach to conflict is an example of competing because of the win-lose outcome of the conflict. Jury member number three makes sure that he uses his alpha male status and shuts down jury member number two without any complai nt. The last situation is an example of conflict as well as the approach to conflict. When the men choose to make an anonymous vote and one of them writes â€Å"not guilty† on the paper, jury member number three calls out the man who had grown up in the slums and says that he changed his vote because he fell for the preaching of the first member who felt the boy was not guilty. After yelling at the man, the old man finally admits to changing is vote. Later, jury member number three attempts to apologize for calling out the man who grew up in the slums and he just walks right past him without responding. This is an example of Ego/Identity conflict because jury member number three judged the man who grew up in the slums and expected him to change his vote because of his past. The approach to the conflict later is avoidance because the man who grew up in the slums chooses to not respond to the apology and walk right past the man without getting into any type of conflict.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Identifying and Refining Research Topics in Practice Area Essay

Part I: Research Questions Nursing is a dynamic career. Through nursing research, doors to improved, quality healthcare are paved open from time to time. In practice-based studies, human subjects are inevitable; thus, a researcher must be sensitive, aware and compliant to the regulations set by the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) (Wolf, Walden, and Lo, 2005; NIH, n. d.; American Nurses Association, n. d.). In this regard, the author of this study was inspired to formulate the following practice-based research questions: Quantitative. Quantitative approach explains using objective facts, eliminating bias and error (Firestone, 1987). Research, especially quantitative method, should avoid false findings (Ioannidis, 2005). 1. What is the relationship between the transport of newborns via a transporter vs. other mode of transport after birth and thermoregulation? 2. What is the relationship between history of general depression and postpartum depression in postpartum mothers? 3. What is the relationship between mandatory nurse-patient ratio and job stress or burnout? Qualitative. Firestone (1987) stated that qualitative approach is best for phenomenological studies where â€Å"multiple realities that are socially defined† and readers are given â€Å"enough detail to â€Å"make sense† of the situation.† 1. Why do children born to teenaged mothers become teenage parents themselves? 2. What are birthing plans that are essential to a successful labor and delivery experience? To determine if these are viable topics for further research, the help of the nurse clinician, the senior staff nurse, a staff nurse, and clinical manager was consulted. On the relationship between the transport of newborns via a transporter vs. other mode of transport after birth and thermoregulation, it has been noted that infants that are transported from Labor and Delivery to the Well Baby Nursery via a bassinette or in mother’s arms experience hypothermia while those that are transported via a transporter maintain normal temperature. From the consultation with the other healthcare providers, there was a research study on infant remaining with the mothers after birth but not on the mode of transport, which influenced the practice by allowing infants to remain with mother after both vaginal and cesarean deliveries until their transfer to postpartum. According to the nurse clinician, this is a good topic as they noted that the infant’s of vaginal delivery are transported in the mother’s arms or in an open bassinette and they usually have low temps while the infants of cesarean deliveries are transported in a transporter and they usually have normal temperatures; thus, there may be correlation between the two. For the relationship between history of general depression and postpartum depression in postpartum mothers, it was noted that mothers with a history of general depression are usually anxious and weepy and have difficulty coping. However, studies for evidence are not sure. The only data that may be readily available for this topic are those referrals of any mother with a history of depression to Social Services for postpartum depression education and resources. On the relationship between mandatory nurse patient ratio and job stress or burnout, the healthcare givers observed and agreed that its implementation is much better and beneficial because the nurses make less mistakes and patient care is better. However, supporting studies are a little bit hard to find. On the other hand, it is noted that significant numbers of teenage mothers are 15 to 18 years younger than their own mothers and considerably, these young mothers will have their second child within one to two years of the first, which means having multiple children within their teenage years. From the consultation, the study is an interesting one but lacks available supporting data. Meanwhile, the study on birthing plans was commended by the healthcare givers during the consultation as it has been noted that the outcome of the facility is usually the opposite effect: Majority of patients with birthing plans experience emergency delivery situations regarding themselves and/or their newborns resulting in cesarean sections for themselves and/or admittance to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (ICU) for the newborn. But again, the problem with this topic is on the availability of references that will be used. From the conferred ideas, the author then was enlightened and selected the quantitative study on the relationship between mandatory nurse-patient ratio and job stress or burnout. The author will not have difficulties on supporting information on the topic as lots of research works had been conducted on the matter from all over the world. Job stress or burnout has always been a problem of nurses from time immemorial until now and from the different parts of the world. Part II: Research Study The relationship between mandatory nurse-patient ratio and job stress or burnout Research Problem Nursing is a career that requires lots of activities. With what their jobs require, nurses cannot avoid adverse outcomes related to their nursing care activities and daily patient load which are noted to be increased, shift rotation, and staffing that is short such as skipping their tea or coffee breaks, â€Å"feeling responsible for more patients than they could safely care for, inadequate help available, inadequate time to document care, verbal abuse by a patient or a visitor, and concern about quality of care† (Al-Kandari and Thomas, 2008). A great problem nowadays in nursing is on staffing. Mantese, Pfeiffer, and Mantese (2005-2006) stated that â€Å"in this age of trying to maximize limited personnel to undertake expanding workloads, there is a risk of a detrimental increase of mistakes, misjudgments, and harm.† Flynn and McKeown (2009) support this with their research that focused on â€Å"the impact on patients and nurses of ‘poor’ nurse staffing levels†. From these, burnout or job stress has been found out to be on of the major nursing practice problems (Mrayyan, 2007). In relation to this, the author was inspired and interested to find out more on the relationship between mandatory nurse-patient ratio and job stress or burnout. Statement of Purpose   The purpose of the study is establish a practice-based study which can be utilized by nurses and other concerned people as baseline data for the improvement of their practice or for further understanding of the nursing practice. Job stress or burnout in nurses should be addressed immediately as they are dealing with the lives of their patients. The findings of this study look forward to help uplift nursing management.

Friday, September 27, 2019

Legislative Action On Eyewitness Error And Wrongful Conviction Assignment

Legislative Action On Eyewitness Error And Wrongful Conviction - Assignment Example Ricardo Avilla, a neighbor whop lives across the street from the victims’ house testified in court that he saw the suspect run away from the house of the victims after hearing the gunshots. Avilla describes the suspect as a tall black man wearing a black coat and a grey cap. His description helped the police sketch the suspect’s picture. Another witness, Dan Christoffel, also –placed the suspect at the crime scene and gave a description of his physical appearance. A third witness, William also testified that he heard the suspect discuss how he murdered his victims. The appellant placed a doctor, Roy Malpass, on the stand to provide his opinion on the eye witness testimonies. Malpass was an expert on eyewitness identification, and his testimony was rejected by the jury who still found Tillman guilty. Kenneth Adams v. State†. This case involved a Kenneth L. Adams who, together with a Willie Rainge were convicted of murder, rape and aggravated kidnapping. Adams was sentenced to sixty years imprisonment for rape. He also got an additional seventy five years for each murder charge he was facing. The victims were Lawrence Lionberge and Carol Schmal. Carol, the victim is said to have gone to visit her boyfriend, Lawrence at his workplace. Carol is said to have been raped and shot here, and her boyfriend shot too. A witness later testifies to seeing the two defendants at the crime scene. Legislative action on eyewitness error and wrongful conviction. Undeniably, numerous cases have prompted judges to pass incorrect judgments on defendants due to the absence of adequate information. This is because of poor methods of collecting information and to some extent ignorance on the part of law enforcement officers. The involved parties in every case end up not being able to handle both the defendants as well as eyewitnesses based on the information they have attained (Wise, Dauphinais & Safer, 2007). To eliminate eyewitness errors, legal system ought to adopt the most effective method meant to extract the required information. This will ensure the convicted serve just sentences. In addition, it will ensure the entire process observes the involved parties’ rights, which the law dictates despite their role pertaining to the case. Therefore, this entails utilizing proficient officers to interrogate eyewitness and not excluding the service of eyewitness experts, for inst ance, psychologists (Tillman v. State, 2011). However, psychologists ought to be proficient in their field to the extent of being able to proffer the required information based on reliable scientific background and pertinent to the case supposed to undergo litigation process (Tillman v. State, 2011). In my opinion, the best solution or approach in eliminating numerous eyewitness errors that characterize litigation process is by employing tripartite solution (Wise, Dauphinais & Safer, 2007). In this solution, the initial step entails considering eyewitness’ testimony during the litigation process, which is also supported in the Tillman v. State case (Tillman v. State, 2011). Since, this enables the jury and those arbitrating cases to understand essential facts that may be difficult especially in the field judges are not conversant with, for instance, psychology (Martire & Kemp, 2009). This is evident in Tillman v. State’s case, though Dr. Malpass failed to present clear and convincing facts intended to prove the testimony, he claimed to have a strong scientific base. (Tillman v. State, 2011). Therefore, to ensure reliability of any information by eyewitness expert, the proponent ought to prove his or her (1) expertise employed is legitimate, (2) testimony lies within the required scope and (3) uses the field’

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Developing an Implementation Plan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Developing an Implementation Plan - Essay Example Also, in order to attract support from staff members, lobbying will be applied as necessary. Description of the Current Problem Requiring Change People have used exercise in as a measure against coronary heart disease. However how effective exercise is in reducing the risk of suffering coronary heart disease is still at question? Exercise has been known to be an important component in the well-being of any individual. Most studies have suggested that exercise is very crucial in the prevention of most life’s problems and keeping the body in its optimal condition. Despite its eminent benefits, exercise can be detrimental if done wrongly. However, in cases of cardiovascular disease, controversies have risen on the amount of exercise required to prevent this risk and treat patients with this condition. The current United States guidelines recommend that adults should seek at least moderate-level exercise for more than or equal to 150 minutes per week, that is, 30 minutes in a day for five days in a week. Though this is the recommended time to achieve the best from exercise, several studies have suggested different times for performing exercise. Thus, the change proposed is that it must be ensured that the individual gets optimal exercise depended on the severity of the problem, age, and gender. For instance, a study found that brisk walking more than ten blocks away in a day reduced the risk of cardiovascular disease in women. It is also suggested that different forms of exercise should be adopted for various people. Detailed Explanation of the Proposed Solution Optimal exercise activity is crucial for the well-being of any individual. However, not at all times will the recommended time for exercise work for individuals. Most individuals are of the notion that exercise should be intense to obtain the best from the exercise. However, this is not true in all cases and thus the notion should be disregarded. In the case of patients with cardiovascular disease, t he severity of the condition, age, and gender will determine the amount of exercise to be done by the individual. Thus, this statement defeats the notion that exercise should at least be done for 30 minutes in a day for five days in a week. In this sense, the individual should exercise based on the severity of their condition, age, and gender. What this means is that every patient suffering from coronary should not be subjected to over exercise. Performing strenuous exercises may result in greater damage than good as stated by different experts. In a bid to establish the extent to which exercise can be useful to coronary heart disease patients, a survey will be conducted. The survey will seek to establish the kinds of exercises that the patients do regularly and how long they engage in the activities. Furthermore, the survey will seek to establish how they feel after the exercises and the notable health benefits that they gain thereafter. The respondents will comprise patients suffe ring from coronary heart disease, individuals of either gender randomly drawn from the hospital’s population. In addition to conducting a survey, interviews will be conducted with respondents being health experts directly dealing with the patients. The interviews will involve asking the respondents about the effects of exercise that patients undertake with due respect to the extent of the activity. Essentially, the study will help in

Kuiper Leda Problem Solution and Defense Case Study

Kuiper Leda Problem Solution and Defense - Case Study Example For increasing profit company has to focus on sales figure. Kuiper Leda built a strong reputation with its clients / customer due to right quality, right quantity & right price. Kuiper's customers are having faith on kuiper's capability. Kuiper decide to launch a new product knows as Radio Frequency Identification Devices (RFID). Initially kuiper's started with a very small setup for this device. And Kuiper is facing a problem in managing inventory for this new setup. The inventory cost is on the higher side. So Kuiper decide to decrease in inventory cost using effective operation management. Decrease in inventory cost will definitely increase the revenue of the company and its share holder / stock holder. Increasing the revenue of the company, automatically ensure the future growth of the company. Kuiper Leda management team should need to focus on the adequate forecasting of inventory, so that the production process can be run smoothly, without increasing the inventory holding cost. This Effect the future growth of Kuiper Leda. For achieving decrease inventory cost Kuiper Leda instruct the operation Management team to keep track of the production process. During the inspection of production process, team was asked to keep track on inventory also. This team has to focus on the production process & inventory, & need to found how much inventory is required for a specific order. Kuiper Leda asked its team to decrease in over heads in various department like in production, in quality, in inventory, in transportation. Issue and Opportunity Identification Issue Opportunity Reference to Specific Course Concept (Include citation) Concept Kuiper Leda's main issues are the future growth of the company, & future growth of the company is depends on production, inventory, resources & order completion in time To keep the cost down proper inventory management & increased in production is required. This process include to make a raw material store near to the company to keep transportation cost low, & material is available at the time of production process. Removal of Extra production capacity means that only required material or process should be used in production. Capacity of Raw material store should be adequate to handle incoming raw material. Right forecasting of inventory for just-in-time to maintain effective inventory controls (Aquilano, Chase & Jacobs, 2005, ch 8, pp. 60) Inadequate inventory management Need to make a effective Inventory management program Forecasting of inventory for just-in-time to maintain effective inventory controls Aquilano, Chase & Jacobs, 2005, ch 8, pp. 60) Number of suppliers are too large Need to develop a distribution centre Increase communication with suppliers to prevent delays in product to increase production. (Chase, Jacob, and Aquilano, 2006, ch 8, pp. 25). Logistic Control Need to develop logistic Management System Logistic will keep track on cost of delivery of finished goods (Aquilano, Chase & Jacobs, 2006, ch 1, pp. 5) Timeliness delivery of product Need to develop a team who keep track on supply chain Management Team will check each & every process

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Discuss the role of craft and decoration in C.H. Townsend's Essay

Discuss the role of craft and decoration in C.H. Townsend's Whitechapel Art Gallery (1901) what kind of social ambitions do th - Essay Example He was born in Birkenhead, Cheshire and started his architectural career as a draftsman in London. He later branched off to his own in 1877 and built connections with RIBA and the Art Workers Guild. He became the Master of the Art Workers Guild in 1903. It has been argued that he might have been the only English Architect to have worked in Art Nouveau. However, Townsend considered himself an exponent of the freestyle movement of the Arts and Crafts Movement. Some of his buildings that stand out in style and originality include the Bishops Gate Institute, the Horniman Museum and the Whitechapel Art Gallery. The Whitechapel Art Gallery was a clear attempt by Townsend to showcase the spirit and ideals of the Arts and Crafts Movement. On the exterior, the building has a two tower feature that is a signature feature of Townsend’s architectural designs. It has a relatively wide frontage and it fits organically into the environment around it. Perhaps this imposing nature of the desig n was intended to portray the building as an important and authoritative structure in the East London area. By blending organically with the surroundings, the structure ably served its purpose of providing recreation for the locals without seeming pervasive. The main doors of the Whitechapel gallery go in at the street level. The placement of the doors is done in an asymmetrical way on one side. The large semi-circular light above them naturally takes the eye upwards leading to the impressive keyed arch on top. From the onset, the art gallery was designed for the people. Hence, by putting the doors to go in straight at the street level, Townsend projected the building as easily accessible. A person walking on the streets could instantly connect with the building and easily enter if interested. Also, the light on top of the door was a natural way of allowing a person’s eyes to wander and explore the other compelling feature of the building: the rounded, arched keyway. This dec orative and artistic piece purposively ushered a person into the art gallery in a subtle way. Suffice to say, the keyed arch is neatly tucked into the building and not protruding into the streets in an intrusive manner. This design made the building to feel like a natural fit into the surrounding area without seeming intrusive. The elaborate frontage design of the building was perhaps meant to make it standout in contrast with the railway stations that were already running in the place. The railway stations were uninviting and dull. Also, the underground trains were running through darkness in the tunnels. In contrast, the Whitechapel Art Gallery frontage was bright and welcoming. It opened quickly into a space where the mind could engage in a captivating journey. The frontage of the building was meant to act as an inducement for people to come into the gallery and explore the art pieces on exhibition. The design had the role of attracting passer-bys and engages their curiosity on t he things that they could find inside the gallery. In fact, the gallery attracted over two hundred thousand people during its first exhibition. The towers of the building are square in design but taper as they rise. At the top, the towers divide into four turrets with a larger turret in between. Previously, Townsend had a much more bold design that he showcased 1890s. The design of the towers projected the relationship between the earth and the

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Personal Budgets in the UK Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Personal Budgets in the UK - Essay Example According to the paper, in response to the increasing demand and the rising public expectations based on choice and quality, the government decided to act. It set out to transform the way in which care and support were offered for the older and disabled adults. At the heart of this transformation was a very powerful idea that would potentially revolutionize how the disabled and older persons received their care. The idea was basically based on personalization. That is, instead of commissioning care and support services for people living in its area, the local authority would provide eligible persons with their own personal budgets so they could acquire help and assistance that would be more attuned to their individual needs and circumstances. Personalization is aimed at giving the people more choice and control over the kind of support they acquire. It is defined as the ability of an individual to determine what type of support to get despite the mode of payment used by the one seeki ng healthcare services. These may include direct payment or personal budgets. Direct ayments are defined as the direct cash payments given to service users in lieu of community services that are in demand based on assessments done they are aimed at giving a wider choice to the clients. Personal budgets on the other hand describe the allocations given to users after assessment which meets their assessed needs fully. This is all in part of the government’s wider agenda to improve efficacy and responsiveness of public services. These personal budgets can provide flexibility, choice and control to the service users. Further, they can improve health and well-being and ultimately, user satisfaction.  

Monday, September 23, 2019

International human rights Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

International human rights - Research Paper Example The crisis has led to the need for humanitarian assistance by 3.8 million people who have been affected by the violence in South Sudan. The affected people mainly live in the Upper Nile Region, Jonglei, Central Equatoria, Western Equatoria, Eastern Equatoria, and Lakes regions of South Sudan. This is the greatest human rights problem due to the large number of people affected by the crisis and the level of violence meted on innocent, vulnerable members of the community. Over 10,000 people have been killed in a crisis, and over five million people depend on humanitarian assistance between within and without the country in displacement campsii. The other reason for the crisis to be the greatest humanitarian crisis is that the violence has caused a threat of famine in South Sudan. Scholars, policy makers, and human rights organizations believe that the problem in South Sudan needs immediate attention by the United Nations, IGAD, regional organizations, and other international bodies to provide humanitarian aid and come together to solve the problem. The problem is caused by recent developments after the independence of South Sudan with the national government led by Salva Kiir unwilling to democratize and to take fewer measures to deliver basic services to the peopleiii. The result of this was the lack end of a common enemy anymore for SPLM, Khartoum, and their efforts for independence and self-determination. However, after achieving independence, splits in SPLM led to the differences and subsequent sacking of the vice president, Riek Machar among other elected leaders to silence dissent in SPLM resulting in violence and killings. United Nations, IGAD, European Union, United Kingdom, and neighboring countries are working on the South Sudan problem through taking efforts to ensure the differences between Riek Machar and President Salva Kiir

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Quality Management Assessment Summary Essay Example for Free

Quality Management Assessment Summary Essay The health care quality management responsibilities are to evaluate care that is provided to patients and make sure that these patients receive quality health services. The quality management helps give understanding and awareness to the organization policies and goals. Having risk management in the organization helps reduce any potential of negative impacts that could be placed on any of the patients’, staff and also the organization itself. In hospitals this is a challenging and complex process which payers and participants require that health organization should engage in efforts to evaluate the validity ensure their relevance in quality. One of the basic concepts of quality management is continuous quality improvement which is forever ongoing effort to enhance improvements or process of approach. Throughout time you will use a cycle step develop with a plan by identifying what needs to be changed and establishing a plan, then you have the action of do which is putting the plan to work by implementing the new changes, the other concept is check use data to analyze results and try to see if it made a difference, lastly is act upon plan. The term is interchangeable also called continual improvement and continuous improvement. Another concept of quality management is called total quality management takes a look at overall quality, the design and development which is what the continuous quality management does. Total quality management job is to make sure that they customer expectations of service are met with high quality. Total quality management are associated with the production requirements, creation of plans, prevention of cost and training preparation of the process put in place. All the names of how they address quality management just depends on the industry which makes the name vary from one organization to the next but all means the same thing. The performance management is different because this is a continuous process of communication and clarifying one’s job responsibilities, priorities, to make sure there is mutual understanding between the supervisor and employee. A performance management encourages development and feedback also fosters teamwork among the employees, resolves performance problems, recognizes quality performance and provides decisions on promotions and pay for performance. The performance improvement is somewhat similar to performance anagement because both descriptions implementing interventions for improvements, identifying the problem, encourage employees, offers feedback about performance, educate about job expectations, and offers incentives for performance. Where I work at the hospital we use quality management and they help by reviewing policies and procedures for the organization and for each department. Monthly meetings with the quality management to make us aware of the feedback they get about the quality of service or if they are educating us on new change. Over the years the hospital sets new goals to achieve and want to eliminate poor performance, unnecessary readmissions that cause a financial burden on the organization, so the new implementation of principles will help everyone make this happen. The hospital would like to offer the patients larger role in their health, treatment and hospital experience. The long term goal is to be an anchor of health in the community that helps improves the access, quality, lower cost, and efficiency. We utilize case managers to evaluate admissions to prevent costliest episodes of care which is that unnecessary readmission; this is a short term goal which will not take long to revise. This is informing this team that they are decision makers and this requires the team to help organize what the appropriate protocol is for unnecessary readmission. Another long term goal is the communication across the board for the continuum of care should be improved and need to be building a foundation to help one another coordinate care. Short term goal the hospital needs to rely in a shared belief in evidence based medicine. If there is a protocol in place but the provider detours and does something that they know will work this is information that will need to be shared and documented, to help quality management review and could possibly make revisions in the protocol. This is a plus if we can see patients benefit from this evidence based medicine, and if it is not reported than this means everyone is doing their own thing and not sharing the information to get everyone on the same page. Past experiences impact decisions making and can be positive result because the avoidance is making same decisions as before. External and Internal influence in marketing, health quality initiatives have a huge impact on the hospital. Influence is through developing the right supportive culture, attracting and keeping the right employees to promote quality, updating an in house quality process and furnishing the right tools to their jobs. Having high quality comes from physicians, nurses, administrators and ancillary staff to give high quality care and have effective improvements in order to be successful. It is everyone job to be a team player and participate in helping the hospital achieve the goals. The right supportive culture reflects good leadership and involvement with the hospital by reporting performance indicators, improvements proofs by results, and also promoting a safe environment for everyone. If you don’t have the right support staff then the hospital will be incompliant facing many fines for violations. Developing effective in house outcomes and cost shows the quality of the hospital. This part of the hospital is trained to facilitate the problem solving process with physicians and other employees. Effective problem solving leads to evidence based on the protocols put in place to enhance efficiencies for instance reduce turnaround time in the emergency room or turn around time for test results. The negative impact of this not being successful is that it could ruin the hospital reputation; word of mouth is why majority of the patients’ come. It is very important that the staff of the hospital has the right tools to do their jobs this allows all staff to give high quality care on daily basis and will help identify problems when they do surface, being that the right tools will not be one of them. Not having the right supplies could cause some safety problems with patient care and environmental which could lead to many lawsuits. All hospitals want to improve the quality of care and patient safety because they are taking on the challenge to move forth. What distinguishes the hospital from others is that addressing the issue is not the only thing that needs to be done but back up what is implemented with concrete actions and research more deeply to identify the root causes, providing a solution and being accountable for it. The fundamental qualities which are important and implemented are data quality assessment, data quality measurements and operation data quality improvements. The data quality assessment is the information needed when treating patients and physicians have been made aware of poor data quality ffects the hospitals operation. By quantifying the gap in the value the practitioner can review and determine a cost effective and also the speed the quality improvements. For instance, when a package that was intended for someone else goes to the wrong address that increases mailing and shipping cost because of the incorrect address. Data quality measurements are the results from the data quality assessment in which the data quality analysts synthesize that information and also concentrate on the elements. This is reported with a scorecard showing units of measures and thresholds for example, with the packing going to the incorrect address this can be defined by using quality validation rules for the each address and the information can be all gathered of all incorrect addresses in the system to show why the increase cost. Operational data quality improvement is used to identify data quality rules and this is approved through data stewardship procedure. Clinical and administrators get assistance from both quality management and risk management to improve clinical practice and organization systems. Risk management and quality management collaboration will improve patient overall care, improving external compliance, shielding the hospital from all other risk. Risk management can ensure a flow of information between staff, departments to get better results on patient care also keeping in mind protecting hospital from any exposure of statutes. The unity of risk management and quality management the hospital will benefit and enhance patient safety and minimize the harm of the patient. There will be less duplication, improve communication, coordination of activities through the organizational policy.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

A Stars Life And Death Sciences Essay

A Stars Life And Death Sciences Essay When we look in the sky at night and see all the stars your eyes can see. We think they are permanent although we may think this technology has given us the chance to see otherwise. Massive telescopes like the Hubble space telescope has let us experience and see the birth and death of stars. Where some stars just burn out and fade away other stars go out with a bang. There are billions upon billions of starts in space and their all different sizes. But only one type of star will collapse in and turn its self into a black hole. A protostar: Lets start from the beginning, the pillars of creation is a piece of a space nebula 7,000 light years away from earth in the eagle nebula it is just one of the billion birth places of stars. What are they made up of well Ill tell you they are made up of dust gas and different elements of the periodic table like hydrogen, helium, calcium oxygen silicone and iron. As gravity forces this dust and gas mixture into a flat disc accretion occurs, a process in which more atoms are added to create a protostar. Now at this stage a star is not yet stable because of the countless reactions occurring within the forming star. For this newly forming star to become stable it must reach equilibrium. Equilibrium is the balancing act between the star and gravity. Equilibrium occurs by gas pressure equaling the force of gravity. Gas pressure occurs by thermonuclear fusion which is the combining of the nuclei of small atoms to form the nuclei of larger ones, with a resulting release of large quantities of energy. For nuclear fusion to begin and equilibrium to occur the core of a protostar has to reach 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. When it reaches this critical temperature it will begin nuclear fusion of hydrogen into helium. And if nuclear fusion doesnt happen it will end up a brown dwarf. Once nuclear fusion begins a star is born. Main sequence star: A main sequence star is made up of essentially two sections the core where nuclear fusion occurs and the outer gaseous shell. Stars will live out most of their life in the main sequence just as our sun is. Once a star begins nuclear fusion it becomes self luminous it generates its own heat. Now how long will a star live out its life well thats hard to tell it all depends on the stars mass and it turns out that how hot a star is will determine the color of the star like for instance a red dwarf star which is  ½ to 1/10 the mass of our sun. With its surface temperature less than 7,000 degrees Fahrenheit and is also the most common type of star in the universe. However we dont see the small Red stars we see the massive blue main sequence star, its surface temperature is 45,000 degrees Fahrenheit, it is up to 20 times the mass of the sun and up to 10,000 times more luminous than that of our sun. There is however a down side to being a massive blue star. With that being said the less th e mass of a star the less atoms a star has to maintain its equilibrium. The bigger the mass of a star the more atoms a star will have to maintain its equilibrium. With regards to a stars life however the more massive a star the shorter its life will be and the less massive a star the longer its life. This is because in larger stars thermonuclear fusion happens at a much faster rate than that of a smaller star. Once a star has reached equilibrium it has not stopped changing there just isnt a huge amount of change going on, and as we already know a star will live out most of its life in this stage. But we must remember gravity forced the star together to begin with and it also wants to destroy it. The beginning of the end: Once a star has run out of hydrogen to convert to helium, the star will begin to contract so that it can begin to convert helium to carbon so that the star can continue to hold up its equilibrium. For a star to convert helium the internal temperature of the star must reach an astounding 180 million degrees Fahrenheit. at this point the star has now become a red giant or red super giant. As gravity causes the core to contract helium will begin to burn in the core. But rapid hydrogen reactions occur faster in the outer layers of the star. As the temperature of the shell increases the outer layers will begin to swell and expand. Since fusion is releasing more energy in the helium burning stage than in the main sequence the star is a lot less stable. As the star begins to run out of helium it will again contract to convert helium to carbon and oxygen into neon then, magnesium, silicone, sulfur and then iron. As massive stars come to the end of their life it begins to look like an onion i n cross section with the outer layer being hydrogen and the inside being layer after lay after layer of heavier elements. As the massive star tries to convert iron it fails because iron being the stable of all nuclei absorbs energy instead of releasing it. When fusion decreases temperature will also decrease. And the rate of the star collapse increases. As the iron core builds up in the star and gravity contracts it even further the iron core will rebound and smash through the outer layers of the sun kicking of a type 2 super nova. The only thing left of the star is the core left completely intact. Gravity still not giving up on destroying this star will contract it even further and force this core of a star to convert electrons to neutrons only one problem neutrons dont like to be near each other. So now you have a new stable object even smaller and denser. This compact star core becomes a rapid whirling ball of neutrons. Which give the star the name neutron star as gravity compact s this neutron star even further and if at the last moments of the neutron stars death enough matter falls in to its core it will collapse into itself and form a black hole in which nothing escapes not even light. So lets recap we have talked about gravity forcing dust and gas together to form a protostar. Also how nuclear fusion is what makes a star a star and for that to happen the core must reach 18 million degrees Fahrenheit. We also went over that as soon as nuclear fusion begins a star is born. As a star comes to the main sequence it will live here for most of its life. But as soon as the star runs out of hydrogen gravity will contract it until it reaches an internal temperature of 180 million degrees Fahrenheit and will burn helium to keep its equilibrium. The sun will also convert carbon and oxygen into neon then, magnesium, silicone, sulfur and then iron trying to fight off gravities crushing force. But it doesnt happen and the iron core in the star will rebound sending of shock waves causing a type 2 supernova. Leaving the left over core intact and allowing gravity to take over again gravity will force the electrons left over in the core to neutrons and now we have a neutron star tha t gravity will compress and if enough matter falls in the core it will eventually collapse in on itself and form a black hole. All information I used in this speech came from the history channels The Universe Life and death of a star. Season 1 episode 10 and also form life cycle of a star. Picture of brown dwarf star form Picture of Red super giant form Picture of black hole destroying to stars if an artists enactments of the destruction of a black hole picture form title Don Dixon space art. All other pictures seen here today were from Hubble space telescope I would like to thank all of you for taking the time to listen to my speech on a stars life and death. Enjoy the rest of your day.